This is One-Gallon Version of The Witch Herbal Extraction Still.
People have said they have done a day of extraction and it has paid for the unit!
This product comes with 18 pieces including: one-gallon electrical pot, citric acid, electric control panel, 4x SS clamps 2″, 4x SS caps 2″, 4x silicone gaskets 2″, 1x screen gasket 2″, 1x Alchemist tower 2″, 1x glass 2″ extension, 1x SS extension, 1x filter pack and rack, 1x modular stand, 1x pair of rubber gloves, 4x rolls of copper mesh, 1 infrared thermometer, 1x large digital thermometer, 1x 45° degree thermometer, hoses, 1x extra large funnel, etc.
Herbal Extractor Products
Witch Herbal Extractor
This is a one-gallon version of The Witch Herbal Extraction Still. People have said they have done a day of extraction and it has paid for the unit! Comes with 18 pieces including one-gallon electrical pot, electric control panel, copper mesh, Alchemist tower, thermometers, and more.